Know Thyself

/Know Thyself

“Know thyself,” Thales (precursor to Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato)
. This book focuses on the individual and relationships, which scientists have made far less progress understanding than theoretical physics.

1501, 2016

Insecurity and those d___ Monkeys

When we were babies we could cry at any moment we felt hungry and did not have food.  It was acceptable to soil our diapers any time we felt the urge. We still have those same urges and needs.  Those things are [...]

2001, 2016

Confidence and Being Real

  If you base your life on too many illusions, success at life will only be an illusion.  (Thankfully, we can have a few small illusions.) An important prerequisite to succeeding at life is basing your life on reality.  Rationalizing will be the focus of [...]

2901, 2016

Ego and Faux Confidence

Fight or flight is the classic way to categorize responses to insecurities. Sometimes fight is the wise response, or sometimes flight.  However, the most common ways people respond to their insecurities are neither fight nor flight. [...]



Bullying and Organizations